Front Load Washing Machine - Reasons To Own Ramtons Washing Machine


Ramtons washing machines come with modern features and are designed to make the washing process stress-free. Here are five reasons to own a Ramtons washing machine, with technology features and a range of wash programs to achieve the best washing results. 

Inbuilt driers: 

If your space is small and crowded, chances are you won't have time to hang out your laundry. Ramtons front load washing machine comes with built-in dryers are the perfect option as they can wash and dry clothes in the same cycle. All you have to do is take the clothes out of the machine and iron them and they are ready to wear. 

Energy efficiency: 

Always buy an A+++ rated washing machine as it can save you on electricity and water bills. The energy efficiency class of Remton washing machines ranges from A+ to A+++, with the latter being the most energy efficient. 

Variance in spin speeds: 

Drying spin cycles are measured in revolutions per minute (rpm). The higher the RPM, the more dry clothes will come out of the machine. It also dries faster on the line. But it also depends on your laundry. The spin cycle is 300-500 revolutions for delicate fabrics, but about 1000 revolutions for thicker garments such as jeans. 


Save time at the dry cleaner's by freshening up your laundry in the comfort of your own home. With a Ramtons washing machine you can do your laundry in less than an hour. When the wash cycle is complete, simply go back and hang your clothes on the clothesline. 

Ramtons makes life easier at home and in the kitchen with innovative products, wide availability and strong support. We believe in facilitating your buying journey from point of purchase to point of use. Our kitchen appliances and accessories combine functionality, practicality and modernity. Ramtons devices save time and effort so you can devote that time to doing the things you love.


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